My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness and My Brother's Husband

So Reading My Lesbian Experience with loneliness . . . .Honestly you don't have to be apart of the LGBTQ community to enjoy this, or rather relate to the concept. The main protagonist in this manga basically talks about her problems growing up and how her lack of communication in a sense developed into more of a depression and anxiety disorder. This can be related to because everyone at some point struggles with trying to be accepted by someone in their lives and the struggles of trying to get attention. She goes though life searching for a place to belong but later finds out that loving herself is part of her self worth.

Now My Brother's Husband was a bit different. This was more of a story of getting to know the person your brother married as you can tell from the title. The Protagonist is basically through into mixed emotions trying to accept the fact that his brother married a man and his instant homophobia. The protagonist with the help of his daughter learn to kind of accept the husband of his brother for who he is and tries to get a better understanding that even gay people are just regular people and should be treated equally. 


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